Building kites

I got into the Kite building business because I want to fly my own kites. I wanted to build the types of kite I had seen in India which is often used for kite fighting. The game is simple. The last kite in the air wins.

Using pictures I found online, I started building my kites. It was a trial and error process where I had to play around with the dimensions of the kites, including the length of the bridle lines and their positioning.

Kite mk I
Kite mk II
Kite mk II under construction
Kite mk III.
Kite mk IV. This is the latest Kite I have built. It flys very reliably, even without a tail
The kite in the sky. Very reliable and is happy to fly without a tail

The most important improvement made was the positioning of the bridle lines to the kite. Below I have the plans for my kite that works very well. The first 3 Kites were virtually uncontrollable because they either kept stalling or kept spinning uncontrollably, especially under high winds. Kites mk II and III were lost when there was a slight pick up in winds that caused the kite to stall and start spinning and crashed. Despite adding a tail, it did not really stablise the kite. However, changing the position of the bridle lines was the single most important factor in stablising the kite.


Here is my plans for my most sucessful kite. Anyone is free to use it.

Here is my kite in action in Tooting Common in South London. Its a very beautiful park by the way.


  1. Hi Medad. Met and spoke to you on the Downs about fighting kites and balloons. Fascinating about the balloons so I’ll have to check it out. I found the ISPACE21 article. If you are in need of fighting kite stuff then give me a shout and I’ll package some stuff up and bring it up to the Downs. Contacts…email but I am on Facebook as Paul Chapman, Instagram as aeropleusticartist and FLICKR as PaulChapman Photos. There are fighting kites and KAP images scattered about in there. I made a Photobook on Indian Fighting Kites

    1. Very nice meeting you! Thanks for the link to the book. I shall bring my kites to Bristol soon – probably next week and fly them at the downs.

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